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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2015-02-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't do anything foolish because I can't assure your safety in Hell....well that's if you get sent there."Wrath joked....well attempted it.

2015-02-07 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little and shook her head at him. Then she looked down at her wrist and pulled a bit of fabric off of her shirt. She was struggling with wrapping it up on her own though.

2015-02-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded and wrapped the fabric around her wrist then he picked her up and flew down to the fighting.

2015-02-07 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette held onto him while they were in the air. She still didn't like being up so high. "Wrath, the next time you pick me up like that it better be to screw my brains out against a wall." She said once her feet were firmly on the ground.

2015-02-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."I'll keep that mind."He said as he let go of her.

2015-02-09 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little,"See that you do. And don't die. Your dad would be pissed at me."

2015-02-09 [Cerulean Sins]: "Its not my dad you should be afraid of. Its Luicana." Wrath said as he watched Luciana's fierce fighting.

2015-02-10 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked over, "No, the whole world would would be worried. Your father however, would have a personal vendetta against me." She flicked her wrist, pulling a vampire into the ground.

2015-02-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "True."Wrath said as he flew into the air and shot vampires with fire arrows.

2015-02-18 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette moved through the field as well as she could, helping get the wounded to the medics. She stopped, panting softly as she looked out over the field. It felt like they were close to being overrun.

2015-02-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was surrounded by vampires who wanted her dead, her body was covered in white fire, her eyes shinning the brightest blue as she stabbed her sword into the ground and created a fire while. She started whipping the vampires for fun to annoy them. Once they got mad enough they attacked her. She snapped into attack mode, grabbed her sword from the ground and fended off the vampires, killing them kinda easily.

2015-02-18 [GlamGamer]: Damion was in bear form, tearing the vampires apart when he could.

Andre was protecting the clinic area, keeping the vampires away.

Antoinette looked around at their people. They didn't have anywhere to run, anywhere to hide. And they wouldn't be able to fight much longer.

2015-02-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana grunted when she got kicked in the stomach by a vampire then she growled as she gutted the vampire.

Rosetta could see that the staff and students where struggling. She ran a feet out the tent and knelt on the ground, digging her nails into the ground."Oh this is gonna hurt." She muttered as she focused her energy to grow vines that came shooting up from the ground and wrapping around 50 vampires. The vines lunched into each of the bad vampires hearts, killing them.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Victoria was bloodsoaked, part of her revolting because it was her own kind's blood and it made her feel sick to her stomach. But she kept fighting, spinning, flipping and running.

Damion watched the vines pop out of the ground near by and looked around, for the source. When he saw Rosetta, he walked towards her to protect her better.

2015-02-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was safe, she was still within the boundaries of the medcial tents wards. She kept shooting vines up around vampires, killing them. She made sure the vines never touched Victoria, her new found friend, or any of her classmate or teachers or anyones that was on her side. She saw Teddy coming towards her."No! Bad teddy! I'm okay, still in the wards! I'm not that stupid!"She shouted, but she was pretty sure he couldn't hear her.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion moved closer anyway, that is until he was ambushed by three vampires jumping on his back. He roared and stood, trying to claw them off. When that didn't work, he fell to the ground and started rolling around.

2015-02-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Teddy!!!"Rosetta shouted as she ran out of the wards and into the battle field. Her magic flowed faster, fending off vampires before she even commanded her magic to attack. She grew nightshade plants into the vampires skin, nightshade was deadly to them just like wolfsbane was to Were and Shifters."Leave him alone! Bad vampires!"She snarled. The vampires howled in pain as they got off Damian and ran away clawing off their own skin.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion got up and shook his fur out, then he went to her, grunting and grumbling. He was giving her a lecture about leaving the wards protection, but since he was a bear it didn't come out in English. When he was done grumbling he nuzzled his massive head in her hand.

2015-02-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked down at Damion."Don't huff at me. I got the vampire off your back." She ran her hand through his fur."Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked softly with a look of concern on her face.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grunted and huffed, rubbing his head on her hand a moment longer before he started nudging her back to the wards.

2015-02-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm going, Teddy. You be careful." Rosetta huffed as she walked back to the wards.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion stood on his hind feet and roared to get her attention, then he waved a paw to say goodbye and hopefully make her laugh.

2015-02-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta jumped and turned around."Wh..."She burst into laughter and waves back.

2015-02-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grunted as he landed on his feet again, charging off into battle.

2015-02-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "Be careful Teddy!" Rosetta called as she stepped back into the wards.

2015-02-20 [GlamGamer]: Damion went into battle, tackling a vampire to the ground.

2015-02-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta rushed into the medical tent.

2015-02-20 [GlamGamer]: Victoria was fighting her way further and further into the vampire's camp. She wanted to kill Delia herself, the stupid bitch.

2015-02-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Delia smirked when she saw Luciana."Hello princess." she pulled out her brimstone sword and attacked her.

"Bitch face." Luciana snarled as she blocked Delia's attacks.

2015-02-20 [GlamGamer]: Victoria spotted Luciana and Delia fighting, but was soon distracted by other vampires attacking her. She growled softly and dealt with them instead of going to help the princess.

2015-02-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Delia laughed."I can't wait to kill you, little one. I'm sure your daddy will be upset."

Luciana glared as she fought."You know what? I feel the same about you but I'm sure my dad will be proud of me killing you."

2015-03-13 [GlamGamer]: Victoria ripped through her fellow vampires, shivering a little as blood soaked through her clothes.

2015-03-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smirked as she blew ambers at Delia and she laughed darkly when she ate one. She started a fire inside of Delia's body."Burn baby burn."

Delia shrieked loudly as she burned from the inside out, she ran from Luciana,trying to put herself out.

2015-03-13 [GlamGamer]: Victoria, free of the vampires went after Delia. She tackled her old teacher and smirked, feeling the heat coming from her, "I want to watch you burn." She hissed.

2015-03-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Delia screamed as she got tackled, she howled in pain as she burned alive with Victoria on top of her.

2015-03-13 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smirked a little, not rolling off of the woman until she felt the fire start to burn her.

2015-03-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Delia wanted to claw her skin off but couldn't because Victoria kept her pinned down then once the vampire was off her she clawed at her body as smoke and fire rose from her skin.

2015-10-24 [GlamGamer]: Victoria started laughing as she watched her burn.

2015-10-26 [GlamGamer]: The battle was fought for hours before the vampires were finally driven away. Fire elementals gather the corpses of the enemies to burn them while Earth elementals buried their friends and allies.

Victoria was laying on the ground, completely silent and unmoving. She was covered in blood, making her nearly unrecognizable. She didn't even move as someone checked her teeth and then gave her off to a fire elemental, they assumed they were an enemy and dead.

Antionette walked through the injured, checking for any supplies they might need. She was close to crying but couldn't, not in front of everyone. She'd never been prepared for war.

Damion was still in bear form as he patrolled the grounds, using his nose to help sniff out anyone who was alive.

2015-10-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Victoria!" Rosetta shouted for the hundredth time. She has been searching for Victoria at least an hour and she was scared that Victoria could be dead."Victoria!!!!" She screamed.

Luciana was covered in blood thankfully she wasn't too badly injured. The fight had been glorious in her eyes but she felt badly that they suffered so much death on there side.

2015-10-28 [GlamGamer]: Damien smelled the bodies being added to the dead pile and grunted when he smelled Victoria. He stood on his hind legs and let out a loud growl, almost like a roar, to get Rosetta's attention.

Antionette sat down and started cleaning out the wounds of one of the fae's that had been severely injured. She didn't know what else to do. She wanted to go back to when she was at school.

2015-10-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked over at Damien when he roared at her and she ran over to him."What, Teddy?" She asked with a frown

Luciana walked over to her brother."You okay?" She asked as she sat next to him and disinfected a nasty gash on his arm.

"Yeah. Am good." Wrath sighed as he watched Luicana clean his wound.

2015-10-28 [GlamGamer]: Damion nuzzled and nudged the lifeless body of a vampire, growling a the elemental when he tried to move the body to the pile.

Antionette cleaned the wounds and fixed the fae up before putting a cool cloth on his forehead before getting up and moving to the next person.

2015-10-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at Victoria for the longest moment before she recognised her."Victoria!"She knelt down next to her and shoon her shoulders."Wake up!" She shouted as tears formes in her eyes.

"So do you know if dad has found out why Lilith did all this?" Luciana asked with a frown.

Wrath shook his head."No. Father hasn't gotten in contact."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria's eyes remained lifeless for a while before finally going wide. Her nostrils flared and she started panicking. The smell of the blood and burning vampires was overwhelming her. She pushed away from Rosetta, looking at her hands and started screaming.

Lucifer finally found Lilith, leaning against a doorway. "Once upon a time you came running when I called.."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta flinched back a little then she gripped Victoria's shoulders and shook her."Victoria calm down, please "

Lilith was laying on her bed reading."I am busy. What do you want, Lucifer?" She turned the page of the book as she picked up a glass of red wine and sipped it.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion shifted back into his human form when she wouldn't stop screaming and pinched a nerve on her neck to make her pass out. "Hey, I have pants this time." He grinned a little. "Come on, lest get her in a shower or something.."

Lucifer walked over to her bed and made himself comfortable. "Just curious why you're starting a war and why I wasn't invited."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Good idea. Can you carry her?" She asked softly, concern written all over her face.

Lilith actually looked at Lucifer with a confused look."What war? Why would I start a war with you? You have nothing I want." She put her book aside and sat up on the bed a little."Tell me what is going on Lucifer and I want the truth."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded and picked her up, walking inside with Rosetta.

Lucifer tilted his head to the side, "Curious..." He sighed and put a hand on her cheek, transferring all he knew and had seen of the war into her mind. "Are you saying you have nothing to do with this?"

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta rushed to her room she shared with Victoria."Put her on the bed and I'll run her a bath." She said as she went into the bathroom.

Lilith had an overwhelming feeling to nuzzle her face to his hand but she never instead she pulled back and glared."How dare you think I would order an attack on Luciana! You know I care for Wrath and Luicana very much. You disgust me." She snapped as she got off the bed and she started pacing."I will get to the bottom of this and the responsible party will suffer greatly."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at the bed and then Victoria, "Um... Let's just do a shower for now.. Get her rinsed off and then you can make a bath for her." He said and walked into the bathroom with her. He set Victoria in the shower stall and looked at Rosetta, "I'll let you get her armor and stuff off..."

Lucifer felt his temper flare, "Don't you dare use that tone of voice with me!" He got up and grabbed her arm, making her face him. "I didn't want to believe that it was you honey, but when one of your men spills his guts in my interrogation room, naming you, well I'm usually inclined to believe them. Not many people successfully lie in that room."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Teddy why don't you wait in the bedroom, yeah? I'll call you when I need help." Rosetta smiled.

Lilith glared at him."I wouldn't need to take that tone if you didn't accuse me of starting a war. I never sent the order. I don't know why my own people are framing me." She jerked her arm from his hold and poked his chest."If you don't believe me then search my mind. I have nothing to hide."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded and walked to the bedroom but then left so he could get cleaned up himself.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes for a moment, but then relaxed, "I do believe you. Do you know how pissed I was when I heard your name? I didn't want to believe it, but my kids insisted I ask... Speaking of, want to come see them? Lucy's getting taller."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned softly as she removed Victoria's armor and clothes then she filled up the bath with hot soapy water. She grabbed a sponge and gave Victoria a sponge bath.

"Your kids? Luciana and Wrath believed it was me?" Lilith asked softly. She felt so betrayed and hurt."I think you should go, Lucifer." She walked over to her alcohol cabinet and poured herself a vodka with ice and a dash of lime.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria woke up slowly, but barely moved when she did. She rolled her head back.

"Lilith, you have to no we didn't want to think it was you. But it's your people and he named you." He shook his head a little, "Please don't hold it against the kids."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Hey. Steady now, just be careful." Rosetta said softly.

"You didn't want to think it was me but you all jumped to that conclusion anyways." Lilith sipped her drink then she looked at Lucifer."If I wanted to start a war with you I would at least send a note. And if you think I would hurt Luciana or Wrath....then you clearly don't know me at all."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria didn't respond, she just looked at the ceiling.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, "And if my demons started attacking your people, and they said it was me, you'd come asking me what the hell is going on. And you can deny it honey, but we both know the truth of it. And the attacks weren't focused on my children. They got involved because it's focused on their pretty little Fae princess friend and their cousins." He walked over to her, "Are you always going to be as bitter as that lime in your drink?"

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned."Victoria? Please speak to me." She begged softly.

Lilith sighed."Yeah I would have gone psycho bitch on your ass. A Fae Princess? Which one? And yes I will always be bitter, that will never change darling."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria just shook her head and closed her eyes.

Lucifer chuckled at that. "Antionette something..." He shrugged a bit. "You could meet her if you go with me."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Please. Its me Rosetta. I need to know you can speak." Rosetta said softly.

"Antoinette? Never heard of her." Lilith tiled her head a little."Why do you want me to go with you?"

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria sighed softly, "I'm fine." She muttered.

Lucifer shrugged a bit and then looked at her, "I want you to go because the kids will be happy to see you, and relieved that you didn't suddenly start hating their kind..."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Lies but its good to hear your voice." Rosetta smiled as she continued to clean her.

"Very well." Lilith said then she took off her fluffy socks, she walked over to her walk in closet as she took off her pink fluffy robe, reveling that she was naked. Lilith had a thing for comfort clothes such as fluffy robes and socks, leggings and pjs. She grabbed a black silk shirt, buttoned it up and pulled on a red pencil tight skirt on. She grabbed a pair of high heels and slipped them on. She knew that Lucifer was watching her, she had such a strong feeling to jump his bones but she wouldn't do that ever again. Her relationship with Lucifer was very complicated.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria didn't respond for a while, "My throat is on fire."

Lucifer watched her get dressed and gave a soft sigh. He couldn't remember exactly how he'd ruined what he'd had with Lilith, he just knew it was hard as hell trying to get back with her.

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Would you like some water? Or blood?" Rosetta asked softly as she put the sponge down.

Lilith grabbed her black pearl necklace and fumbled with the clasp. She sighed loudly."Could you clasp my necklace, Lucifer?" She asked as she looked at him and held the necklace out to him.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria pushed her away quickly before she got sick. The blood she threw up was thick and dark

Lucifer walked over and took the necklace from her. He got it clasped and let his fingers brush over her neck before he stepped back. "Ready?"

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta pulled Victoria's hair back."Its okay honey, let it all out."

Lilith's neck tingled when Lucifer brushed his fingers along her neck. She let her vibrant red hair fall down around her shoulders."Yes. Lets go see the kids." She said as she turned around to face him.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria sat back when she was done.

Lucifer nodded and put a hand on her shoulder before taking them to the battlefield.

Antionette jumped and squeaked when Lucifer and Lilith appeared in front of her. "Well that's a little unsettling.." She muttered, hand on her chest as she tried to make her heart relax. "Luciana, your dad's here." She called as a way to look for her in all of the tents that had been set up for the sick.

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Feel better?" Rosetta asked softly.

"Are you sure it's my dad? He hates coming to this realm!" Luciana called as she walked out of the tent and froze."Holy shit....." She stood in shock at the fact that her father and Lilith where together and not fighting.

Lilith smiled."Luciana." She walked over to her and hugged her stepdaughter."I am so sorry to hear about your wings. Your father told me about it and I want you to know that I never sent the order and I have nothing to do with this." She kissed her cheek softly and pulled back."Your so beautiful."

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer watched them interact and couldn't help the slight smile on his lips. He let them catch up, looking for Wrath to make sure his son was alright as well.

Antionette watched just for a moment but didn't want to intrude. She walked away to give them privacy.

Victoria nodded a little. "Sure.."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled slightly."Thanks, Lilith. Its good to see you again."

Lilith smiled."I promise you that I will put a stop to my vampires." She patted Luciana's cheek.

Wrath got off the bench in the med bay and stretched then winced in pain.

Rosetta patted Victoria's back softly.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer found him and frowned a little, "You alright?"

Victoria made herself sit up, "I need to shower..." she mumbled softly.

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath looked his dad."" He frowned."You hate coming here." He saw bright red hair at the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw Lilith the. He sighed and looked at his dad."You brought Lilith with you? Why?"

"Okay. Do you want some privacy?" Rosetta asked softly.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: "Because she wanted to assure you two that she isn't behind the attacks.." He watched a woman walk back and smirked a little, "And I don't always hate it... The views can be pretty nice." He looked at Wrath. "I don't think your little pink haired friend likes me though. Apparently I'm unsettling. She said it to my face." He said with fake hurt.

Victoria nodded a little, "Please? Thank you for taking care of me though.."

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well that was nice of Lilith and those wondering eyes were the reason you two broke up. Antionette has every hate to be unsettled by you as you did threatened her in hell. So yeah." Wrath sighed.

Rosetta nodded."Anytime. If you need help just shout." She smiled and left Victoria alone then she laid on the bed in the bedroom and sighed.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at his son and raised a brow, "War makes you grumpy." He smirked a little, "That or you don't like that my eyes wandered to your princess a while ago..." He looked at Lilith and shrugged a bit, "She knew how I was before we became a thing Wrath. My eyes wandered, but my hands never did. She didn't accept that though."

Victoria leaned up and turned on the shower, making it scalding hot before sitting back again.

Damion knocked on the door before opening it slowly, "No one's naked right?" He asked, staying outside.

2015-10-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "You want Lilith back, don't you?" Wrath grinned slightly.

"Come on in Teddy, Victoria is in the shower." Rosetta smiled.

2015-10-29 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer scowled a little, "No.." Then he shrugged, knowing he wasn't fooling Wrath. He was too smart. "Yes."

Damion walked in with a tray of food. "How are you doing?" He asked.

Antionette finally sat down to let a healer clean up her wounds. Her wings were bruised and completely useless to her right now. She couldn't even make them disappear anymore. The tips of her feathers were turning black in parts too, which wasn't something the healers were used to.

2015-10-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Have you just asked her to get back together? You and Lilith belong together but this time just don't cock it up." Wrath said as he patted Lucifer's arm.

"Better now that you brought food."Rosetta smiled as she sat up on the bed.

2015-10-30 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer laughed, "Quit acting so old and wise. Have you even been in a relationship? I know you took that stupid vow when you joined the guards, but I do hope you've broken it."

Damion smiled a little, "Good." He set a large thermos to the side for Victoria.

2015-10-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath got up in Lucifer face."If you really want Lilith back, like really want her then fucking keep her. Make things different than all the other times. Don't put Luciana and I through another divorce. It's not fair on us. Lilith is the only mother we have and we hate choosing sides. If you love Lilith then tell her and show her that you two belong together. Oh and if you break her heart again....well yeah." Wrath said calmly like they where chatting about the weather then he walked over to Lilith and hugged her tightly.

"Wrath." Lilith smiled as she hugged him and kissed his cheek."Keeping out of trouble?"

Wrath chuckled and pulled back."Yes, always."

Rosetta smiled as she leaned back against the pillows and patted the bed."Come join me and bring the food." She teased.

2015-10-30 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer let off a little growl because his son didn't give him a chance to respond. He'd never made, or asked, them to chose sides. But he let it go, waving a hand

Damion walked over and set the tray down, "You weren't hurt at all?"

2015-10-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked over to her dad."So....I see you brought Lilith with you." She smiled brightly.

Lilith and Wrath chatted about everything and anything.

"Just a few cuts but am fine." Rosetta said softly.

2015-10-30 [GlamGamer]: "You guys asked me to get a hold of her and see why she was attacking you. When I found she wasn't, I figured it was for her to tell." Lucider shrugged a little and walked over to a man fighting for his life. He touched the man's forehead, releasing his soul so he wouldn't die slowly. "I hate this realm because I can see how everyone is going to die, where they're going to go... How long and painful it can be. I'm glad though, that my children weren't cursed with that 'gift'. I think it's the one thing my brother's and I can agree on that we dislike."

Damion frowned a bit, but handed her some food instead of saying anything.

2015-10-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana frowned."Are you okay, dad? You don't seem yourself. What's going on?"

Rosetta took the food."Thanks, Teddy." She nibbled on a apple slice."Please stop frowning, Teddy. I'll be fine and my cuts will heal."

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled a little, kissing her forehead, "I'm fine kiddo. Just tired... It was a busy day in Hell." He motioned around them.

Damion sighed a little, "I'm always going to worry about you. Always."

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your such a lier." Luciana sighed

Rosetta smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek."Your too good to me."

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer grinned a little, "Well, I am the King of Hell."

Damion smiled a little, "I know." He chuckled

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana frowned."Dad..."

Rosetta smiled and curled up on the bed nibbling on fruit.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed a little, "Luciana, please.. Keep being my little girl. I'm not ready for two full grown kids yet." He kissed her forehead again, "I've already been lectured by your brother."

Damion smiled a bit and ate his bacon burger.

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: "What did Wrath say to you?" Luciana asked then she glared over at her brother.

"Did you ay least put salad on that heart attack burger?" Rosetta teased.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: LUcifer sighed a little, "He said that if I want Lilith back that I have to..." He trailed off and walked over to Antionette when he spotted her unmistakable wings. "Were you poisoned again?" He asked, making the princess jump

"Jesus." Antionette put a hand over her heart and then frowned at him, "No, why? They'd just turning black, they're not falling out.."

Damion shook his head a little, "You know I don't like rabbit food."

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked over to Antoinette."Dad what's wrong with them?"

"I know but still you should at least eat rabbit food." Rosetta teased as she poked his side with her foot.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer shook his head a little, "I'm not even sure." He ran his fingers over one of the feathers that was turning black and frowned. Usually it would have fallen out, but this feather seemed healthy enough. "Can you stretch them out all the way?" He watched her try and looked at Luciana, "Pull the right one out all the way and hold it there."

Damion chuckled softly, "I eat salmon all the time.. Just didn't seem right. Have you noticed how many fish the princess has around here? I know they're Koi and not salmon, but still."

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: "Dad she's of Michael's line. If that's any help." Luciana said with a frown.

"What's the matter?" Lilith askes as she appeared next to Lucifer with Wrath.

"Salmon isn't rabbit food. You need to eat a good salad." Rosetta said with a smile as she ate a cucumber stick.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer indicated to the feathers, "Look, this one is fully black now, but it's not falling out. It's not even loose." He frowned a little, "Michael's line doesn't have any black feathers, just creamy off white and when mixed with Nymphs either pink or light blue.."

Antoinette gritted her teeth a little from the pain it caused to hold her wings out. She was too tired for this right now. She nodded to a Nymph who walked over to her other wing and held it out, then she let her shoulders slump again.

Damion smiled a little, "I know that, but it's yummy and healthy bear food." He shook his head a little, "No rabbit food for me.. Maybe some berries though. I do like berries."

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith frowned as she leaned down a little and looked at her wings."How interesting. I've not seen black wings in a long long long time." She looked at Lucifer as she straightened and put her hand on his arm."Not since I found you when you fell. I watched your pure white wings turn the purest black wings that unfortunately set on fire."

" fell? How?" Luciana asked in shock.

Rosetta nodded with a smile."Good. Glad I can at least get you to eat berries."

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed a little, "I know, they were fantastic. But mine turned faster than this.."

Antoinette frowned, "How can I fall from Heaven's grace when I was never in it in the first place?"

Lucifer shrugged a little, "Cause my dad is an asshole?"

Damion chuckled softly and finished his burger.

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."His father is a fucking jackass. However I've never seen anything like this before...well for a Hal and half who hasn't fallen." She looked at Lucifer."Perhaps ask your brothers?"

"I could go ask Uncle Michael?" Luciana asked.

Rosetta slowly nibbled away at her salad.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "You can try Luciana, Michael is a jackass too though, so good luck."

Antoinette frowned, "So my wings are going to catch fire? Maybe."

Damion sighed and stretched out once he was done eating.

Victoria finally came out of the bathroom, she gave them a tired smile as she grabbed some clothes and then went back into the bathroom to get dressed.

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: "I will make him help." Luciana grinned then she opened a portal to Heaven, she appeared behind Michael."Hey Uncle." She smirked.

Lilith nodded."Yes. There is a chance."

Rosetta waved at Victoria and watched her go into the bathroom.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer watched her go off and then looked at Antoinette. "If it does happen, it happens quickly and only hurts for a little while."

Antoinette sighed a little, "Fantastic." She stood up after sending the nymph away. "Well, I'd love to sit around, but there's too much to do."

Victoria got changed before coming back out. She walked over to her bed and immediately lay down. "Hi."

Michael looked at his niece and sighed a little, "Hello Luciana." He said as he finished bandaging an Angel's wings and sent him away, "What can I help you with now?"

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. You aren't going to do anything incase your wings do go on fire. No sense in burning anyone close to you."

"Hi. Are you okay?" Rosetta asked.

"It's about your so many great daughter Antoinette. The fae princess. Her pink wings are turning black but the feathers aren't falling out. I would...very much like for you to help if you can. She's my only friend and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Please, Uncle. " she said sincerely.

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: ((Who said that, so I know who to have Antoinette talk to.... lol, it's going to be a bit out of character for her though))

Michael took a while to think about it. He had a lot of fae descendants, but only two of them were princesses. "Pink wings.. Okay, I know who you're talking about." He was quiet for a while as he looked over the next Angel that came to him. "Let me finish here and then I'll go. I take it your father has seen her wings since you wouldn't come to me without going to him first."

Victoria shrugged a bit, "Yeah, I'm okay, just tired."

2015-10-31 [Cerulean Sins]: [crap! It was Lilith that spoke to Antoinette ]

"Really? Your going to help us?" Luciana smiled brightly and she hugged Michael."Thank you so much."

Rosetta nodded."Aw honey. You need to get some sleep."

2015-10-31 [GlamGamer]: [Lol, awesome thank you :D]

Michael sighed a little, patting her shoulder, "Sure kid."

Antoinette stopped and turned, looking at Lilith, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you suddenly had authority over me in my own fucking kingdom." She snapped before walking away, muttering under her breath.

Lucifer put a hand on Lilith's shoulder, "Don't kill her, that isn't normal." He tilted his head to the side, "Wrath, she has a thing for you... Go be charming and try and get her away from others.."

Victoria nodded, "But I smell a blood and vanilla shake.." She said after a moment.

Damion smiled and stood up, grabbing it for her, "One of the vampire kid says it helps when one of you have been sick.." He handed it to her and then gave her a straw.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana pulled back from Michael."Sorry for the hug...its just Antoinette is the only one at school that doesn't treat like Lucifer's daughter."

Lilith wanted to snap the little Fae's neck but she couldn't because Luciana would be angry. She shrugged and looked at Lucifer."What makes you think I want to kill her?" Her fangs had slightly lengthened and her nails had grew to the length of blades.

"Drink up hon." Rosetta said softly.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Michael frowned a little. He supposed he could understand that. He finished helping his great-grandson and then looked at her, "Take me to your friend."

"Because I've been on the receiving end of that look." Lucifer said with a slight chuckle.

Victoria sipped the shake and relaxed into the headboard. "I hate war."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Thank you again, Uncle. I owe you for this." She opened a portal to the battleground and she stepped through the portal.

Wrath simply walked over to Antoinette and put her over his shoulder and carried to the tent.

"And theses too." Lilith held up her hand, her nails returning to normal as did her fangs.

"Same here. Its pointless." Rosetta sighed softly.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Michael nodded a little and stepped through with her and looked around.

Antoinette was pissed, smacking his back and cussing him out. Once they were in the tent and he set her down she pointed a finger in his face and growled, "What the hell did I say about picking me up Wrath? Do you remember?"

"With the scars to prove it love." Lucifer said with a slight grin. He sighed at his son, "Have I taught you nothing about being charming?"

Victoria sighed a little, "It's messy."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana closed the portal behind them then she walked over to the tent where she could hear Antoinette shouting at her brother."What happened?" She frowned.

Wrath shrugged a little then sighed."So princess you where going to walk around here help people then your wings burst into flames which will hurt people. How selfless of you." He looked at Lucifer."I never said that I was going to use charm, father."

Lilith rolled her eyes then she looked at Michael."Brother-in-law how nice to see you."

Rosetta nodded."Very much so."

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Antionette took Wrath's chin in her hand and made him look at her again, "Number one, they said might Wrath Star, and number two, I was paying attention to the story of when your father's wings caught fire. They had turned completely black. Do my wings look completely black to you? I didn't think so." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Luciana, "Your brother is an asshole and I swear to God and Lucifer standing before me if he picks me up one more time I'm going to rip his head off."

Michael raised a brow as he watched Antoinette. He shook his head a little and looked at Lilith, "Oh, are you two married again? And I didn't even get an invitation." He walked over to Antoinette, "Lucifer, I'm surprised at you. Why would you call on me when you can so easily take care of this yourself? It is one of your demons possessing her."

Lucifer raised one brow, "You must be mistaken Michael, I made Luciana's friend and schoolmates strictly off limits until they're over eighteen, and in Antoinette's case, never, unless she had a falling out with my daughter." He went to his brother's side and looked into her eyes, his own turning black. "I can't see one Michael, you must be mistaken."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath looked at Antoinette as she ranted at him. He wasn't paying that much attention because he was so use to Luciana's rants.

"Yes. I know he is and Antoinette isn't possessed because dad would have fixed it. See told ya so. You promised me that you would help her, uncle. She is family. So help or God help you when I finally get my full powers." Luciana glared.

Lilith flipped Michael off at the wedding comment."Not married again. I am here to help my step children and that's it."

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Michael sighed at his brother and then looked to his niece, "Don't you dare take that tone of voice with me child, I have eight hundred years on your father and I remember very well his abilities when they were his. You have maybe half of his talents and would not like a war with me." He looked at Lucifer, "And I remember well that your demons can hide from your sight in the soul of an Angel, particularly at the start of a possession." He gave no comment to Lilith at the moment because he turned his attentions to Antoinette who'd been trying to ease away from him. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, "I can see you very well in there, so quit hiding and come out to play, Abaddon."

Antoinette's face went from a look of fright to a twisted smile with red eyes. "Oh Michael, I've so missed you darling."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Abaddon?" Wrath snarled.

"Get out of my friend right now,Addy!" Luciana sighed."Its not funny to possess my friend." she looked over when she saw Frenchy come over."Whoa...Frenchy not a good time. Shoo" she waved.

Lilith hissed at the name because she and Abaddon had history for Lucifer's affections whenever Lucifer and Lilith would marry."Bitch...."

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Abaddon smirked a little, "Oh Wrath, I don't know what I ever did to make you so angry.. Or is because I'm in this body? We could have fun with it you know.." She looked at Luciana and just snickered at her comment and finally she looked at Lilith. "Oh, hello second place."

Andre raised a brow, "Apparently it's a very good time. That is not my cousin." He crossed his arms over his chest, "What the hell happened?"

Lucifer was furious, a deadly quiet kind of furious. Very few knew that Abaddon had been banished from Hell for treason, in fact it was only his brothers that knew that. It was a blind anger that was taking over him and he reached over, grabbing Antoinette's throat. His other hand went through her chest as he grabbed Abaddon's soul.

Michael froze, "Lucifer, relax. Release her, I can remove Abaddon without killing the girl." When his brother didn't respond he looked at Lilith, "You're the only one who can calm him down.."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Daddy!" Luciana shouted when Lucifer went into deadly mode and she looked at Lilith "Stop him!"

Lilith took a few steps towards Lucifer, she slowly put her hand on his cheek and turned his head to face hers."Its time to stop before you kill your daughters only friend, darling." She said softly. She sighed softly when she felt his head slightly turning away from her and she kissed him passionately.

"" Wrath said slowly in shock.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer slowly released Abaddon and Antoinette. Once he'd come down from the anger high and pulled back, "That isn't fair." He murmured. Even before he'd turned Lilith into a demon she could manipulate him like no other.

Michael caught Antoinette and set her on the table. Abaddon was still reacting to the pain, screaming and thrashing around. He steadied her and again reached into Antoinette's soul. Where Lucifer's touch damaged the soul, his could heal it. So when he pulled Abaddon out it didn't kill the girl. It certainly didn't feel good, but at least she was alive.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Haven't you learned yet? I'm never fair." Lilith whispered to him as she smiled a little. She licked her lips and pulled away from him and she looked at Antoinette.

"Abaddon thought it would be funny to possess Antoinette." Luciana sighed.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer snapped to attention. "Abaddon didn't do it for laughs Luciana. She did it to try and get back into Hell." He created a temporary body that would lock Abaddon in it. "I warned you that if you returned I would destroy you. I meant it Abaddon." He said after Michael had put her into the vessel.

Abaddon crossed her arms over her chest, "Oh come on Lucifer. I already told you that I didn't think she'd divorce you! It was a harmless little prank, she's just an over-reactive bitch."

Lucifer grabbed her throat, "That isn't the only reason you were banished and you know it. You nearly killed my children, you turned half of my demons against me and all because I didn't promote you when you thought you deserved it. You were already a knight of Hell, but no matter my relationship with Lilith she has been and always will be the Head Knight. Even when she was Queen the only person considered to take over her duties was Wrath, and that was her choice. And I'd rather let my brothers take turns stabbing me than have you as my Queen!"

Andre went to his cousin's side. "Antoinette, hey. Breath, breath, you're okay." He said gently.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "A harmless prank? You little bitch!" Lilith snarled as her nails grew long like blades and her fangs grew longer. She moved closer to Lucifer."Can we torture her before we kill her? I want to hurt her, darling." She chuckled darkly as she ran her long sharp nail along Abaddon's jaw line.

Luciana left her father and step mother to the demon then she walked over to Antoinette."Will she be okay, uncle?"

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little, "Oh yes." He took her hand and they disappeared into Hell.

Michael nodded, "She'll be fine. Though your feathers will never return to their natural color." He looked them over and shrugged a little, "It's not a bad look though. Good luck." He said, putting hand to her temple to ease the headache he knew she had. Then he nodded to Wrath and Luciana before stepping through a portal back to Heavan.

Antoinette sat up, "I'm so sorry Wrath, honest, I am."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Goodbye children. Play nice." Lilith smiled and waved just before Lucifer took her to Hell."You redecorated, darling. I like it."

"Thank you, Uncle."Luciana said as she watched him go then she looked at Antoinette.

Wrath shrugged."Its okay."

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer slammed Abaddon into the chair that would hold he still and looked around, smiling a little, "Well, it didn't turn out too bad.."

Antoinette sighed a bit and looked at Luciana, "Your brother has the emotional range of a newborn baby's fingernail." She muttered.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Now what to do first to this bitch?" Lilith smirked.

"He's always been like that. So serious." Luciana smiled.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: "I think the question is, which crime should we punish her for first? The uh, prank, she played on you and I, the poisoning of my children, or starting a rebellion?"

Antoinette shook her head a little and moved to stand up. "There's so much to do."

Andre helped steady her, "You need to rest Ant. I can help handle things from here."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "The poisoning the children seems like a good start then go to the rebellion then the pranks etc." Lilith grinned.

"We can do it for you." Luciana said softly.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "Perfect." He grinned and picked a knife out.

Antoinette shook her head, "I don't want to put that responsibility on you. But thank you." She said to Luciana with a smile.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "After you, darling." Lilith smiled.

"You need to rest." Luciana said firmly."You've just been possessed by a really nasty demon who will be in great pain by daddy and step mother."

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled, "Why thank you."

Antoinette waved that off, "I'm okay, really.. My people just got ripped apart by vampires and are trying to figure out if Angels and Demons really are working together and are hoping that war wont break out soon."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled."Your welcome, darling." She walked over to the chair in the corner and she sat down, she crossed her legs as she prepared to enjoy the show.

"Then we will help you."Luciana said softly then hugged Antoinette.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer checked the sharpness of his knife before he got started.

Antoinette returned her hug and smiled, "Thank you."

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh it has been a long time since we've done this. I've missed hurting people with you." Lilith smiled happily.

"Anytime." Luciana smiled.

2015-11-01 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "It's been too long."

Antoinette stood up straight and left the tent.

2015-11-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded and watched Lucifer play with Adabon.

Luciana followed her.

2015-11-02 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer had his fun before walking over to Lilith, "She's all yours darling."

Antoinette sent her cousin to help direct those that could be moved inside. "We'll use the grand ballroom and adjoining dinning hall if we must."

2015-11-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled evily."Thank you darling." She stood up and walked over to Abaddon as her nails grew to talons and she gripped Abaddon's face."Your such a little bitch, second place....actually your last place." She smirked as she used her other hand and punched her gut.

2015-11-03 [Cerulean Sins]: [totally forgot to mention the other characters!]

Wrath shook his head and went off to check on the young protectors.

Rosetta finished her food and she put the tray aside, she laid on the bed cuddling the pillow.

Luciana nodded."Good plan."

2015-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little and leaned back, watching and relaxing.

Abaddon growled and pulled against her restraints. She threw her head back, but held back her scream.

Antoinette nodded, "Thanks.." She watched as everyone was slowly moving inside. "What a mess.."

Damion finished his own food, "I have to go check in with Wrath.. I'll be back later." He took the tray and headed out.

2015-11-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smirked."Oh I'll make you scream." She walked around her and grabbed her hand, she started slowly breaking her fingers one by one.

"I know but hopefully it will get better as soon as the war is over." Luciana said as they walked.

"Teddy!" Rosetta sat up and looked at him."Be careful and don't die." She said as she hugged a pillow tightly.

2015-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Abaddon whimpered and closed her eyes. "Fucking bitch!"

Antoinette let out a heavy sigh, "After the war... I miss conversations about what we'd be doing after school.."

Damoin smiled a bit, "I'll be fine."

Victoria settled in her bed, watching Rosetta, "Are you in love with him?" She asked once they were alone.

2015-11-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled."Why thank you for noticing. I do try my best to be a bitch." She said as she snapped a few more fingers.

"And bitching about homework." Luciana smiled a little.

Rosetta looked at Victoria and laughed for a long moment then once she had calmed down she shook her head."No. Goddess no! He is one of my oldest friends, like a brother...I love him but am not in love with him. Anyways my kind dream of their true love and then we seek each other out."

2015-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Abaddon finally screamed

Antoinette smiled, "I don't miss the homework though... For history I had a twenty page essay due.."

Victoria raised a brow, "It just seems like you might be." She shrugged a little, "If they're a different race, do you still dream of each other?"

2015-11-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good girl." Lilith smirked as she kept breaking bones.

Luciana chuckled."Okay fair point but I do miss homework."

"Teddy and I have always been close like that since childhood." Rosetta shrugged."Have not got a clue. Only way to know if he is my true half is to have sex with him then wait an hour or two for a mark to appear on our hands."

2015-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Adaddon kept trying to get away.

Antoinette smiled a little.

Victoria chuckled at that. "Wow.. It's all so complicated."

2015-11-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith slashed Adaddon's face with her talons.

Luciana sighed softly."Sorry about Addy possessing you."

Rosetta nodded."Yup but I know that Teddy isn't my would mate. He just can't be."

2015-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shrugged a little, "I don't even remember when it happened..."

Victoria nodded a bit, "Because he's a Protector?"

2015-11-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith soon finished playing Adaddon and she walked over to Lucifer."I'm finished with the bitch." She smirked.

"I know but still." Luciana said softly.

"No its because he's Teddy and my best friend." Rosetta said as she sat up on the bed looking at Victoria.

2015-11-09 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little, "If you're sure." He stood and walked over to the demon. "Well, there's only one thing left. He should be here soon to finish you off with the first blade."

Antoinette smiled, putting a hand on her arm. "Why don't you go inside and get cleaned up and some rest. I've got some folks working on getting some food going."

Victoria nodded a little, "You two just act like a couple sometimes. That's all." She stretched out.

2015-11-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith say down with a smirk."This will be good."

"Actually I'm going to Hell to reboot and rest. I'll take the hounds with me so they can rest." Luciana said then she whistled loudly.

"We do?" Rosetta frowned.

2015-11-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sat down next to her, leaning back. Then he watched the doors open, in walked Cain with the First Blade. Lucifer hated the stupid thing as it and Michael's sword were the only things that could kill him. It was also the only thing that could kill the Knights of Hell.
Cain didn't acknowledge them yet, he went straight to Abaddon. "Shh, it'll end soon." He said gently just before shoving the blade into her heart. "There, rest." He said softly. He finally looked to them "My King, my Queen." He bowed before pulling his blade out of Abaddon and leaving the room.

Antoinette nodded, "Alright. I'll see you later then."

Victoria nodded and shrugged a bit, "Well, yeah... You two cuddle more than most actual couples I know. And he's supper protective and he brings you food, or you bring him food." She shrugged again, "Then again, what do I know? I wont ever get to date or pick my mate."

2015-11-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well that wasn't all that entertaining." Lilith sighed."Cain does know that we're divorced, right? Oh well." She stood up and straightened out her pencil skirt a little and looked at Lucifer."I should be going. I have a traitor to find and destroy."

Luciana nodded a little as her hounds surrounded them."Text if you need me." She opened a portal to hell, walking in with her hounds behind her.

"You will find love, Victoria." Rosetta smiled."Just have faith. How do vampires find their mates?"

2015-11-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer stood, "I meant it when I said you're still Queen... Still my Queen." He added the last part a little softer and sighed, "Cain found love with a mortal and do he no longer finds hoy in killing as he once did. I have a feeling that when his wife is gone, he'll be the next traitor in my ranks." He opened a portal for her, "Luciana killed one of the traitors, I know that. And if you'd like to talk to a temporary leader of faithful vampires, there's one at the fey's home."

Antoinette nodded a little and watched her leave before walking inside to take care of things there.

Victoria sighed a little, "The coven leader picks our mate for us, or in the case of my coven, men-or women- will ask the leader for me at my eighteenth birthday, she will then decide who is worthy and who isn't, and then will give me a choice of those... If I were to pick a female mate then male vampires from our warrior ranks will come to us to offer up their... Services so we can have children. Our warriors aren't allowed to have mates of their own, so its the only way they can have offspring, though the have no rights to them or their care." She looked at the ceiling, "I'm the coven leaders granddaughter, so I will be sought after, since one day I will be the coven leader, after my mother has served her one hundred years."

2015-11-10 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded a little."I will let you know when I find the traitor." She sighed softly."And Lucifer, you'll always be my king." She kissed his cheek softly.

Luciana returned home then she got the hounds all fed then she went to her room and she ran herself a bubble bath.

Rosetta frowned."That's awful!"

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer placed a hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes, "Is there any way to win you back?" He finally asked, his voice soft.

Antoinette walked inside and checked on thing, the last thing she checked on was the Protectors. "Have you guys been able to get a hold of other Protectors?" she asked Wrath once he was with the younger Protectors.

Victoria shrugged a little, "It's the way we are. Not all covens hold onto the old traditions. I could leave my coven, but... That would be a massive dishonor to my family, it would stain our name for life. My brothers and their children would be forever tainted by it. My mother and father worst of all. They would be stripped of their titles, and along with my grandmother, they would be shunned." She shook her head a little.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith leaned her face against his hand as she looked into his eyes."Yes and you know how to do it too, just give me what I have always wanted....but always refused." A child is what she's always wanted from Luicfer. "Why don't you think about it while I find my traitor." Lilith said softly then she walked into the portal to Antoinette's home.

Wrath looked at Antoinette and nodded."Yes. I've managed to get a hold of all of them."

Rosetta frowned."Thats unbelievably awful!" 

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed a little and closed his eyes. He looked around the room before leaving it for the lesser demons to clean up. He scratched his hell hound's head as he walked to his throne, flopping down in it. Another child? This time with a demon? He honestly didn't know what the child would be like, what kind of powers it would have. And he was still in an all out war with his siblings. They were decent enough to leave his other two children alone, as long as they 'behaved'. He put his head in his hand.

Antoinette nodded, "Are they all okay? Did they experience any attacks?"

Victoria shrugged a little and smiled at her, "It'll be fine. I'm sure I'll find someone I like. I do get some choice anyway."

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith went in search for her leader of the vampires. She knew she would never get her baby off Lucifer, and no one else was brave enough to date or impregnate Lilith. She sighed softly, all she wanted was to be a proper family with Lucifer, to have a child of their own along with Luciana and Wrath. She loved being a stepmother to Wrath and Luciana but...she wanted to be someones real mother, birth mother. It broke her heart every time that Lucifer said no to her.

"Some did and others didn't."Wrath shrugged.

"Hopefully you find love."Rosetta said softly.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer closed his eyes and leaned back. As much as he acted like he hated his father, he actually loved the illusive asshole. Right about now is when he wished he was younger, long before humans and everything changed, when he could just sit with him and talk. After a while he shrugged and sighed. It wouldn't be the first time an Angel and a Demon had a baby, it would just be the first time a powerful Angel and Demon had a child. Bring forth what it would. He wanted Lilith back, and he wasn't against having more children. If it came to destroying his brothers and their children over it, well, he had a pit full of spiteful souls he could change into more demons.

Antoinette nodded a bit, "Alright, well... I guess I'll leave you all to rest. I'll send some men out to look for possible new safe zones.."

Victoria smiled and shrugged, "It could happen."

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked through the halls of the Fae castle hunting out the vampire lord, thankfully it didn't take every long. She walked into the room with an icey expression on her face. "Well hello." She said coldly. She was in such a foul mood and not to be messed with.

"You need to get some rest as well, Princess." Wrath said firmly.

Rosetta nodded. "You just need to believe."

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Victoria froze when Lilith walked into the room, as she'd been temporarily been named the leader of the vampires in the castle- she was the oldest there. It took her a minute to recognize that it was indeed Lilith, but once she did she was on the floor on one knee, wincing ever so slightly, "Lady Lilith." She couldn't imagine why Lilith was there, but she sure as hell was going to do what she was told.

Antoinette nodded a bit and waved a hand, "Yes dear." She said a little dryly as she thought about what she needed to do next.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Ah good. You recognize me, child." Lilith smirked. "Now tell me, child, why have the vampires attacked my ex-husbands people? And why did I get the blame from this?"

Wrath rolled his eyes.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Victoria frowned a little and tilted her head to the side, "I have no idea.. I was in school at the time. And apparently one of the few vampires left out of whatever this is.. Most of the other vampire students that didn't attack were killed, even the youngest ones; and they were only five." She stood, wincing a little, "I wouldn't ever go against you, or what you've taught us as vampires, my coven would never. But I haven't been able to get in contact with them. Princess Antoinette put me in charge because I'm the oldest here. There's twenty of us, the oldest seventeen and the youngest is five. From all different covens, but none of us know what's going on." She looked down, "I've killed so many of my own kind today I can still smell their blood."

Antoinette looked at him, "I saw that." But she smiled a little before starting away.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well aren't you just useless?" Lilith snarled." I left my kingdom in the hands of your family, child and you all repay me with betraying me. How rude and disrespectful. After all I did create you all." Lilith had created the vampires when Lucifer had refused to give her children. So she created vampires to make up for the lack of children in her life.

Wrath rolled his eyes again.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked at her and her brow furrowed a little, "I did not betray you Lady Lilith, they did. I watched one of my teachers rip my nieces head off." Tears were starting in her eyes, "I apologies for not having the presence of mind to stop the war and ask why all of a sudden they've taken to killing fae and angels, and any vampires that stand in their way. Where the hell were you as your creations screamed? Where the hell were you as we ripped each other apart?!" She was getting angry now, and she couldn't seem to stop herself, "Don't blame me because of your neglect. No one has seen or heard from you in centuries! We have been left to our own devices and apparently some of your creations have taken it into their heads to start a war. I was in school trying to savor my last year of actual freedom before honor and duty to a woman I wasn't sure actually existed became the only thing I had to live for. I was just walking to class when all hell broke loose. My best friend tried to rip my heart out," She lifted her shirt and turned her back to show the healing wound that looked as though someone had shoved their hand through her skin, as well as her new wounds- bites and scratches- before she looked at her again. "I have done the only thing I knew to do, honor you by defending Lucifer's kin. If that is betraying you, then so be it." She took off the pendant with her coven's emblem and held it out to her.

"Saw that too." Antoinette said without looking back. It caused some of the Protectors to start chuckling.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith's anger sparked and she grabbed Victoria by the throat and lifted her off the ground."How dare you speak to me like that?!"

"Let her go!"Rosetta shouted as he made thick strong vines burst through the ground and wrap around Lilith, squeezing her body tightly. She made her flower cannon appear and she shot a blast of pure nature energy at Lilith's hand.

Lilith was caught off guard by the vines that wrapped around her like a snake, she yelped in pain as the blast hit her hand and she dropped Victoria. She looked over at Rosetta."You will pay for this little, Nymph." She sneered as she created fire balls and blasted the vines away. She zoomed over to Rosetta and back handed her across the room. She looked at Victoria."You should keep your pets under control. Now I will be visiting your grandfather, child and he will be hearing of your disrespect." And just like that she disappeared.

Rosetta screamed loudly as she got back handed against the wall, she hit the wall with a thud and she fell to the floor with a loud thud. She groaned softly."I dislike Luciana's step mother."

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: "Rose!" She ran over to her, "She's a bitch." Victoria growled a little. "Oh, I'll be speaking to Luciana, or Wrath, whichever I run into first." She snarled, but then forced herself to calm down. "Teddy is going to be here soon." She said, smiling a little as she used Rose's nickname for him.

"Rose is in danger." Damion said to Wrath before taking off down the hall way.

Victoria's coven mansion was a bloodbath, feathers everywhere from the angles and fae that had been killed. But they weren't the only dead. Most of the dead were vampires, many of them part of Victoria's coven. With all of the blood and bodies it wasn't entirely clear if the Lord coven had been protecting the angels and fae, or if they had been the ones to kill them. "I will fight you." A young voice came from above her, "I will keep them safe or die trying." The girl looked very similar to Victoria, but was only around seven. Still, she stood on the balcony above Lilith with a sword in hand, trembling a little.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sat up slowly as she held her head."Teddy doesn't know what happened and I will never tell him because he will go crazy."She said slowly. She looked at Victoria."Are you okay?"

Wrath shrugged, not really caring because he knew the bear had it under control.

Lilith looked at the little girl."You are brave child. However do you know who I am?" She said softly as she held her hand open to show she meant no harm.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: "He doesn't have to be anywhere near you to know when something is wrong." She glanced over her shoulder, "Three, two one.."

Damion burst through the door, "What happened? What's going on?"

The girl narrowed her eyes a little, still holding up the sword that was too big for her. Then she relaxed as her instincts took over, "I think so..." She tilted her head to the side, "Are you the real Lilith?"

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta rolled her eyes then she looked at Teddy bursting into the room."Ummmm.....hi Teddy." She waved a little still holding her head.

Lilith nodded."Yes. I am your creator. Now tell, please, what happened?"

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Victoria moved away, "Lilith is a bitch... That's all you need to know." She scowled and left the room to find Wrath or Luciana.

Damion frowned and walked over to Rosetta, "Lilith? You mean ex-wife of Lucifer?"

The girl let the sword drop and looked around. "Well, I was playing with the baby in the sun room when all of a sudden there was loud banging on the door. It was a bunch of weird people with wings and stuff. They were being chased I guess. After that Mommy put me and the other kids in a hiding spot." She turned around and opened the closet she'd been protecting. "It's okay." She said to the kids, also around her age or younger. She pulled her baby brother's blanket, which pulled him out of the closet. "Anyway, there was fighting and then the bad guys found us." She frowned, looking confused, "They were other vampires... I don't know why they were attacking us though. We got away, but I think the others are dead... There's still a bad guy, I heard him... When you came in we were on the move to get away... I thought you were with him."

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes, Lucifer's ex-wife."Rosetta said softly as she watched Teddy walk over to her.

Luciana appeared in Antionette's home, her nap didn't last very long with her father being in such a foul mood. She yawned loudly and went to the kitchen for a strong cup of coffee.

"Wings? What kind of wings?" Lilith asked softly with a frown on her face.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked her over, "Are you alright? What happened?"

Victoria walked through the halls until she finally saw Luciana, "Your stepmother is a bitch."

"She's talking about us.." One of the other kids said softly, "We're Angels.. Well, I am, these two are Fae. We were being chased by vampires..Other vampires, but we'd always been friends with this coven and so our parents brought us here.. We were hoping that they hadn't turned on us-" The vampire girl put a hand on his mouth to shut him up.
"He's right behind you Lady Lilith." The girl said, sounding terrified.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta slowly stopped up."Yes, I'm fine, Teddy."

Luciana looked at Victoria in mid yawn."What? You met Lilith? And she is my ex-stepmother."

Lilith nodded."I know, little one. Now all of you go hide and stay safe because you all really don't want to see what will happen." She turned around to face the traitor.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked her over, "Are you sure?"

Victoria nodded, showing her neck where the bruises were already showing up. "Yes, yeas I did. And apparently, I betrayed her for siding with you." She crossed her arms over her chest, "You let her know we aren't done talking. She doesn't get to act like a bitch and smack around my friends. She's the one who betrayed us, not the other way around."

The girl nodded and picked up her brother before leading the small group away to hide.

"Lady Lilith, it's you... He didn't kill you." The man knelt down, bowing his head. "Let me rip them to shreds, please." He watched the kids disappear and growled a little, "We'll make him pay My Lady, we'll make him pay for breaking your heart!" He declared, "We'll kill all of them, his whole family."

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded then winced slightly."Yes, yes I am."

"Whoa....slow down, Victoria. First off Lilith didn't start this war and she's been hanging around my dad most of the day so she must have been in a bad mood. I'm sorry for what she did and I'll sore her out for you."Luciana said with a frown.

Lilith walked over to him with a snarl on her face."You killed hundreds of angels, fallen and many other races just because Lucifer broke my heart?! You are insane! You are a traitor to my vampire kind!" She grabbed him by the hair and tossed him against the wall, knocking him out.

2015-11-11 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned and made her sit down, "I'll go get some ice for your head."

"She betrayed us when she ignored us Luciana... She's no better than God." Victoria said, knowing that in particular would sting Lilith the most if she ever heard it.

He frowned, clearly not understanding why she wasn't pleased. Once he was knocked out it was clear that while he was a traitor, he certainly wasn't the mastermind behind the attacks. Maybe he'd been brainwashed into believing that killing Angels, fallen and fae was all in her honor, to right the wrong.

2015-11-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm fine, Teddy. Honest it's getting better."Rosetta said softly as she sat down.

Luciana blinked in surprise. "Victoria..."

Lilith waved her hand and sent him to her dungeon then she went in search for the other bad guys.

2015-11-12 [GlamGamer]: "I don't want to chance it." Damion said, smiling a little, "You could come with I guess.."

Victoria crossed her arms over her chest, "It's true." She said a little stubbornly, "And you can tell her I said so." Then she turned on her heel and walked away.

Antoinette came into the kitchen, "Back already? And what's wrong with Victoria? I just saw a flashback of school Victoria.."

The others were either dead or had left, leaving him behind to finish off the kids.

2015-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm fine, Damion. Now go off and do your protector tasks. Please I'm fine, Victoria will be back soon and she will take care of me." Rosetta said softly. She was still thinking about what Victoria had been saying about Damion and Rosetta.

Luciana sighed as she watched Victoria walk off then she looked at Antoinette. "Lilith attacked Rosetta and Victoria." She sighed.

Lilith knocked gently on the door."It's alright little ones. It's just me, Lilith. You all can come out now."

2015-11-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned a little, "Are you sure? You're acting.... Different."

Antoinette scowled, "Why on Earth would she do that? And why in my house?"

The little vampire peeked out at her before opening the door. "My name is Lilith too.. But everyone calls me Lili."

2015-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes. I'm fine and I'm not different. I'm still the same. Now go, please, Damion." Rosetta said softly.

"I don't know but what I do know is that she spent sometime with dad today. So yeah she and dad must have a fight cause dad has been smashing up loud enough for me to be unable to sleep. I know what Lilith is like after being in a fight with dad, I know she didn't mean it." Luciana yawned as she spoke.

"It's lovely to meet you Lili." Lilith smiled softly.

2015-11-12 [GlamGamer]: Damion sighed and nodded, leaving her alone.

Antoinette nodded a little and then smiled, taking her friend's arm, "Come with me." She led her out of the kitchen and down a long hallway, away from all of the commotion. This side of the palace almost looked abandoned, but there were little signs that it was in use. She opened a large double door. "Get some sleep in here, trust me, it will be the best."

Lili smiled a little and then frowned, "I don't have any family... Well, if my sisters and cousins made it, and my baby brother of course.."

2015-11-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta frowned as she watched Teddy go and her heart felt like it was breaking. She hated that she was pushing Teddy away but she was freaking out about what Victoria had said. She just needed time to figure it out. She wanted to stop him and cuddle him. She sighed softly.

"You need rest too." Luciana said softly.

Lilith knelt down looking at the children."You have no family? I am the same."

2015-11-13 [GlamGamer]: Damion sighed softly, dragging his feet a little as he walked away. He didn't know what he'd done wrong.

Antoinette grinned a bit, "Oh honey, this isn't even my room." She looked around and gave a soft sigh, "It was my aunt's.. This is the family's wing of the house. Completely our own, no one could come in unless they were invited. I can't sleep anywhere but in this area now. My room is just across the hall."

Lili sighed, "They all died protecting me. I hope cousin Tori's school wasn't hurt. My sisters were there. I can't go to school yet because blood makes me very sick, so we have to be careful." She looked at the angels and fae, squaring her shoulders, "Well, we'll all just have to be a family from now on.." She looked at Lilith and smiled, "You should join us Lady Lilith."

2015-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta laid in bed and hugged her pillow wishing it was Teddy she was hugging. She wondered if she was in love with Teddy.

Luciana smiled softly."Your the best friend ever."

Lilith smiled."I would be honoured but however I will be taking you all to see the Archangels to help you find your family members. If they can't...then you may all stay with me."

2015-11-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion joined the other Protectors, getting started on their tasks.

Antoinette smiled a little, "I may have to open this area up, but for now, they're all fitting just fine in the rest of the palace. Oh, there's a kitchen too. Just turn right leaving this room, go down the stairs and turn left. There's also a living room with a tv if you want to watch it."

Lili frowned a little, "What about me? I'm a vampire... If my cousin lives, then she's our new coven leader.. Victoria Lord... I hope she's okay." She frowned.

2015-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sighed softly as she tried to talk herself out of not being in love with Teddy even though deep down she has been in love with him for years but never had the courage to admit to herself the truth.

Luciana smiled softly."Your too nice, Antoinette."

"I know where you cousin is and I can take you to her after we have taken the angels and fae to the Archangels." Lilith said softly.

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "Get some rest."

Lili smiled,"Okay!" She walked over to her brother, struggling a little to pick him up.

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "You too."Luciana smiled.

Lilith picked up Lil's little brother then she opened a portal to the Archangel realm."Come on now children. I will keep you all safe."

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded, "I think I will." She left, closing the door behind her.

The children looked nervous before the stepped through the portal.

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at the large queen size bed with lust and she walked over and crawled into bed.

Lilith walked into the portal with the children, she scanned the area until she saw one of her ex-brothers in law. "Raphael."

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette thought about going back to the clinic area, but she also knew she wasn't any help at this point. So instead she walked into her room and made herself a nice hot bath.

Raphael stopped and looked at her, "Lilith." He looked at the children behind her and his features softened a little, "Orphans?"

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded."Yes the angels and fae are orphans but I was hoping maybe you could find a family member to care for them....if you can't please let me know." She said softly then she knelt on the floor."Little ones this is the Archangel Rapheal and he will help you find your families. He will keep you safe."

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Raphael looked to them and gave a gentle smile, "Come along. I have some chocolate milk and other goodies just over here. We'll get you guys fed and cleaned up before resting."

The kids looked to her before slowly walking over to Raphael, waving a little.

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled a little and waved at the angel and fae children then she stood up and looked at Raphael."You keep them safe or else, Raphael and please keep me updated." Children were Lilith's week spot.

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Raphael nodded a little, "I will." He walked the children over to the food.

Lili looked up at Lilith, "They'll be okay." She sounded so sure.

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded then she looked down at Lil with a smile."I know they will. Now lets go find your cousin." She said as she opened a portal to Antionette's castle.

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Lili smiled brightly, "Okay." She stepped through the portal and looked around, "Woah... And I though my house was pretty.."

2015-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith walked into the portal with Lil then she walked down the hallway."I'm sure your house is pretty."

2015-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Lili shrugged a little, "It is, but not this pretty." She said as they walked down the hall.

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